Pilates – A Perfect Body and Mind Exercise

Similar to yoga, Pilates mind is a state of mind that demands an individual to be in a calm and serene state of mind. Pilates mind is quite different from the yoga exercise for runners as it involves a peaceful, quiet state of consciousness.
You may find it strange to know that most people who perform the Pilates mind exercise don’t get into the Pilates state of mind. Not everyone would experience a euphoric state of mind after an intense aerobic workout or after running long miles. In this regard, not everyone would get into the meditative aspect of the Pilates mind exercise.
It is also crucial to understand that the Pilates mind exercise might not naturally come to some people as they may be approaching it wrongly. The Pilates mind exercise is sure to benefit anyone who tries it correctly.
If you wish to get the best out of Pilates, your mind and body must be in sync. It’s also quite essential to approach the reformer machine or any other aid you may be using in the Pilate studio, with a precise attitude.
You should also note that the Pilates exercise is quite different from the regular agonizing and strenuous workout routines you’re familiar with. The Pilates exercise would probably be the easiest and most relaxed exercise you’ve ever experienced as you need to feel a sense of calmness. On the plus side, you only need a few repetitions to get maximum results.
To get into the meditative aspect of the Pilates mind, you need to begin by taking deep cleansing breaths consecutively. Also, throughout your workout session, you should maintain a steady breathing pattern as breathing is quite crucial to making your workout session effective.
During your workout session, try to be conscious of every move you make as well as every part of your body. Feel your muscles as they contract and relax. Awareness in the Pilates mind exercise is what makes it quite different from yoga.
Unlike most erratic aerobics or workout session where speed and energized movement are prerequisites for weight loss and muscle building, the Pilates exercise is quite different. You will need to pay more attention to how your body moves as your every movement should be slow and controlled. Erratic movements are a no-no and as such, wouldn’t get you the desired results.
To develop the Pilates workout mindset, you need to imagine that you can feel the movement of every nerve and muscle in your body. If this is done correctly, you should feel your muscles getting stronger and firm with each movement. As you remain conscious of your movements and the intensity with which you make them, your attitude of awareness would improve tremendously.
If you stick to what we’ve discussed, the Pilates workout wouldn’t just tone your body alone; it would make your core muscles stronger. And you’ll also soon find the Pilates workout very efficient as it would improve the physical and mental well being. Once you get familiar with the Pilates mind exercise, you will feel mentally calm after each workout session.