How To Choose The Right Pilates Class for You

Pilates named after its creator, a German man named Joseph Pilates has become a very important exercise routine to incorporate into your workout routines. It is a high endurance workout that emphasizes proper alignment, balance, improved coordination, breathing and a stronger core. Its benefits include; improved flexibility, muscle strength, better balance, etc. It can be modified to suit a student’s difficulty level, making it the perfect workout routine for all ages.
While personal training is more effective, especially for beginners as the instructor’s complete focus is on you, there are group classes that are more budget friendly and can also accommodate your difficulty level. If you opt for a group class, ensure that the student-teacher ratio is not more than 15:1.
A Pilates reformer: This is a Pilates machine you can use to do different exercises, is usually used to effectively work your core muscles while focusing on proper alignment, building strength and accurate muscle engagement. Without the machine, your movements would be more under your control and less structured but should all be a mimic of movements you can do on the machine. Varieties of tools like balance balls, Pilates circles and resistance bands which offer adjustable resistance should be incorporated into exercises to get a similar workout to the machine.
Pilates principles: There are about nine Pilates principles taught in different version today. They include; breathing, concentration, precision, center, flow, control, postural alignment, relaxation and stamina.
These principles should be taught effectively in any Pilates class you sign up for.
The music should either be low or nonexistent: Generally, Pilates is about meditation, concentration and calm, controlled movement. With music blasting through the speakers, it would be really difficult to hear the instructor and you’ll be unable to focus and relax into the routines. Several studios create a combination of Pilates and dance classes and this case could be an exception.
Correct routines: Using the wrong positions in a particular exercise has adverse effects like hurting your back. The instructor should call out the right movements and positions like what angle to tilt your shoulders, the right placement of your feet, etc.
Positions: The instructor should help ensure you are in the right position by telling you what muscles are being targeted and where you should feel the burn. This way, you can tell if you are doing the right exercises and targeting the right muscles. He/she should offer advice on how to adjust your body to get the best out of the exercise.
Adjustments: As a beginner, your stance and positioning would most likely be wrong. A good instructor should make adjustments during the class to help students improve their movements. Since some students don’t like physical adjustments, an instructor might explain the right positions instead.
Pilates is a low impact therapy and can be offered for pregnant women (its benefits to them are becoming more apparent), seniors and people with arthritis or mobility problems. Pick the right class, incorporate Pilates into your workout routine and unlock the power of your body!